Build a team of training experts
Set your trainers on the road to excellence
Equip your trainers with industry-specific knowledge and skills in cross-cultural communication training, adult learning, and instructional design. Our sessions provide both the theoretical background and practical application to ensure effectiveness, backed up with pre-course tasks and reading, and post-course observations and mentoring.
Keep up-to-date with industry trends and standards
Our train-the-trainer courses are tailored to your training team’s needs, based on an extensive needs analysis. This might be a training course for a particular curriculum, or our Certificate in Teaching Workplace English, which is a more general teacher-training course developed secifically for the contact center industry. For experienced training teams that want to develop their own courses, we have an Instructional Design course that provides trainers with the key skills to design and develop effective training.
Take advantage of continuous development support
The training session is just the first step in your trainers’ development. Follow-up observations, post-course coaching and consultation sessions provide trainers the support they need. This ensures they fully integrate their learning with their work performance, ensuring that the impact of the course is retained.
Build in-house capability for future training programs
With a well-equipped training team, your organization can independently create novel learning solutions to address changing training needs. Achieve sustainability and lower costs by investing in your training team.
Help your trainers gain a deeper understanding of communication through BUPLAS
Grammar & Vocabulary
Solution Strategy
“It was great. The course was tweaked to fit the level or needs of the participants. It was great to step back and see the whole process with clarity.”
– Communication Training Team, Manila
BUPLAS provides alignment and consistency when used across your organization

Assess and identify top performers and place them in the right account.

Transform people with tailored culture and communication training.

Exceed KPIs through targeted coaching & quality scorecards.

Track and analyze performance across all departments with ease.