BUPLAS assesses the 5 domains critical to successful customer interactions.
Are they globally comprehensible? Can they use intonation and stress to create meaning? Is their pace appropriate?
Grammar & Vocabulary
Can they make the appropriate language choices? Do they have a wide range of grammar and vocabulary, used accurately? Can they repair errors when required?
Can they build rapport with customers? Can they manage customer feelings through language choices? Can they adapt to customers and repair when necessary? Can they pick up on cultural cues such as sarcasm and humor?
Can they explain clearly and logically? Can they manage conversations? Are they aware of discourse expectations and adapt accordingly?
Solution Strategy
Can they probe efficiently and effectively to identify customer needs? Can they address explicit and implicit customer needs? Can they tailor solutions appropriately?
BUPLAS is an effective and valid communication framework because it is:
BUPLAS gauges people’s overall comprehensibility, language choices, and ability to explain and interact – qualities which are far better predictors of performance than pronunciation and grammar skills.
Interpersonal skills can only be assessed by people and that is why BUPLAS makes use of human assessors. While automated tests can provide data quickly, these are only capable of assessing a limited slice of a candidate’s communication ability.
BUPLAS probes the specific skills required for success in customer interactions. Through research, we have identified that all 5 BUPLAS domains are correlated to high KPI results such as CSAT, Resolution, and NPS results.
“BUPLAS has greatly helped standardize our selection process for call center specialists. They have provided us with a simple, clear and objective way of assessing the skills of candidates and the amount of training that they need in order to qualify for call center positions. We now have the tools to train them effectively and ensure high CSATs.“
“BUPLAS provides our employees with a pathway for continuous skills development and a tool for monitoring their progress in the English language.“
“I am extremely impressed with the academic rigor and application of linguistic theory.“
“BUPLAS made profiling of an account possible, in terms of English communication skills required on the floor. This allows endorsement of the right candidates to the right accounts. BUPLAS made us realize that there is no “one-size-fits-all” type of program and that we need to be able to address particular competencies to be more effective in helping the BPO workforce.“
“Future Perfect has significantly made a difference in our English Communication programs for staff. FP’s approach stands out among its competitors in the industry and ensures students make progress on their assessment levels while having fun in the training sessions.“
“When a potential customer like us [Stefanini] is searching for a partner to further develop our recruitment process, BUPLAS was a lifesaver so to speak. The tool helped us improve the quality of talents we bring to stakeholders and saves us time to focus on other important tasks. So far, it is serving its purpose and a good value for our investment.”
“Future Perfect, have not only met and exceeded deliverables but have proven themselves to be agile, collaborative, and effective business partners. They provided invaluable insights from their initial needs analysis/assessment of our business to their solutions design, well-measured, as they were thorough. They listened to our requirements and challenges, and worked very closely with relevant teams to build and design programs and framework (for Recruitment, Training and Coaching), that while largely BUPLAS, also targeted our particular (China) operations.”